Saturday, August 31, 2013

I suddenly want to spoil my daughter and my husband with chocolate cake. But I'm pretty busy today and not in a mood to bake something big. So, I decide to make them another cake in mug. I made blueberry muffin using microwave and they love it. Why not try to make a cake using the same method? Besides,...

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Today I really want to bake something easy for my kids snack. Hmm... I still have some puff pastry in my fridge and a can of sausage on my kitchen storage. I think sausage rolls is a good idea. It is easy and simple to make. I have all the ingredients as well. It is a snack or can be an appetizers based on sausage....

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Good morning. Time for breakfast. We all know that breakfast is very important to begin our day. Why? Eating a healthy breakfast will give our body and brain a boost of energy. It help us to do our daily activity. Our body and brain need energy in order to do what their best and breakfast is a good thing to...

Monday, August 26, 2013

For my strawberry cup cake, i think strawberry frosting is a perfect "partner". I tried to find the recipes on the internet and I found one at Allrecipes. I will make strawberry frosting based on that reference with my own modification. I will use my frozen strawberry instead of fresh strawberry. I will...
Today, I want to make something sweet using strawberry. 2 weeks ago, I bought one box of frozen strawberry with no reason and keep it on my fridge. I wanted to make strawberry smoothie but i never had a chance to do it. This frozen strawberry has been sitting on the bottom of my fridge under another frozen things....

Thursday, August 22, 2013

My daughter had a request for me yesterday. She wanted to have fried prawn for her dinner. So, i decided to make Ebi Furai. It is a very popular dish in Japan. I found the recipe for this this last year from Cooking with dog channel on Youtube and since then I became one of her fans. I remade her Ebi...

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Welcome back everyone. I've already talked about all purpose and whole wheat flour before. It's time to continue my topic about whole wheat flour. Let's refresh for a while. :) All Purpose flour is a type of wheat flour which was made by grinding only from the endosperm of wheat. Whole wheat flour is one...

Monday, August 19, 2013

It's noodle time!! Yay! I LOVE noodle. I love any kind of noodle. With any kind of shape, taste, sauce, condiment. As long as it is eatable, i will love it. Egg noodle, rice noodle, mung bean noodle, you name it (including instant noodle. Oh.... It is my guilty pleasure). This morning, i saw a picture of my...

Saturday, August 17, 2013

Merdeka!! Happy Independence day, Indonesia. On August 17, 1945, Indonesia declared its independence from Netherlands. It is the most important day on the history of my country. In Indonesia,  we always begin this celebration with flag hoisting ceremony and continue with a lot of festivals and celebrations...

Thursday, August 15, 2013

I still have about 500 ml left over coconut milk in my refrigerator.  I have to use it as soon as possible before it turns bad. I was thinking to make some cake, or cookies, or something like that. But 1 batch of cake or cookies only needs about 200 ml coconut milk. 500 ml is way too much for this. Finally...

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

This is another popular dishes in my hometown, Malang, Indonesia. Ayam Panggang Bumbu Rujak. I'm not really sure the translation in English. I think "Grilled chicken with spicy sauce" is proper enough. This dish is originally from East Java. The chicken will be cooked together with the spices until aromatic...

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Today, I want to talk about something geeky. It's about wheat flour. Few weeks ago, my friend asked me if she can substitute all purpose flour with whole wheat flour for her cake. I'm pretty sure, a lot of bakers can give her a good answer. But some of us maybe do not quite sure about it or maybe never even...

Monday, August 12, 2013

Today, I want to make a dish using 2 most popular food in Indonesia. Tofu and tempeh. I think most of you already familiar with tofu especially if you are vegetarian. Tofu is a very popular food in Asia, especially in East and Southeast Asia. It is a food made by coagulating soy milk and pressing the curds...

Thursday, August 8, 2013

I just realize that I have many tangerines on my refrigerator. They have been hiding quietly on the corner of my refrigerator for (maybe) a week. I almost forget about them until yesterday. So, i decided, today is the time to do my 2nd summer vacation project with my daughter. Orange muffins! But, consider...